Innogreen Technologies: Australia’s Leading Provider of Voice Assistant Solutions for Seniors and People with Disabilities

If you have been working as a caretaker in an aged care home or disabled seniors’ home, you would understand how difficult it can be for the seniors to use technology. Whether it is using mobile phones for making voice calls or video calls, or simply trying to understand the ever-evolving technology, it is extremely difficult for them to get to know how it’s done. 

And of course, you as a caretaker cannot be available all the time at the care home to assist them. In times like these, you can certainly take the help of technology to help seniors learn technology. 

Innogreen Technologies is amongst the very few select companies that are working towards making smart technology available for seniors staying at an home or residing in aged care facilities. The company understands that there is a gap between the manufacturer of such technology and the end-user who needs training to use the technology.

Innogreen Technologies identifies this gap and is actively working towards bridging it by providing bespoke technological solutions. The company is based in Perth, Australia, and is determined to increase the quality of life of seniors and people with disabilities. 

When it comes to helping seniors improve their life with technology, Innogreen Technologies offers our Seniors Connectivity solutions using the Google Nest Hub Max and Nest Mini devices. Both of these devices come with our ongoing training & support. 

This means each senior will receive training, personalisation of their device, setting up contacts for voice / video calls and excellent on-demand customer support. Check out their website for more info on their package inclusions. 

For people with disabilities who are participants under the NDIS, the company offers smart home assistive technology solutions to improve quality of life and achieve independence through being able to operate their smart home on their own. Assistive technology from Innogreen Technologies includes security, communications, motion sensors, support person communication, and more. 

Innogreen Technologies has made it possible for technology to reach seniors and people with disabilities with ease. Several occupants of an old age care home have said that the advanced and innovative solutions from the company have completely revolutionized the way they live their life. 

In addition, Innogreen has technology solutions for property developers with embedded network metering, shared fibre internet, and smart home solutions. 

Contact Innogreen Technologies via email or call (08) 6361 3222. 

For more information, visit


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